Why Police Dogs Are Partners, Not Property (TAKE ACTION)

Police officers aren’t only human. Photo Credit: Greg Rihl/Enterprise

Candice Chandler, Global Animal

Police officers, and the trained service dogs working alongside them, are a vital part of society. During their young lives, police dogs face danger and injury every day of duty. 

Like human officers, these dogs are involved in risky situations including searching criminals, chasing prisoners, breaking up prison fights, and sniffing out bombs and drugs. Injury and retirement are a normal part of a K-9’s career, and the medical and living costs their guardians pay is expensive. Jay Meranchik of the National K-9 Working Dog is trying to not only provide funds for these canine officers, but educate the public on their importance and service. 

Donate to the National K-9 Working Dog organization now to help retired police dogs live out their lives in peace.

NK9WD is working to provide these animals with the retirement they deserve. Their mission also includes helping working service dogs with health benefits. These dogs are not ordinary, and their lives should be rewarded for the hazardous situations they encounter. 

Meranchik is trying to achieve benefits for these dogs that cover veterinary services, pharmaceuticals, and food. Since service dogs are only allowed to be adopted by their human police partners or specific individuals, the financial responsibility of caring for an injured or retired K-9 can become stressful. NK9WD is trying to provide rightful compensation for animals who put their lives on the line to protect people. 

Unfortunately, not all the officers working with these highly trained animals can adopt them upon retirement. When this happens and no responsible guardian can be located, the dog is euthanized. This needs to change, and NK9WD needs help accomplishing this.

Working K-9s provide citizens and communities with a sense of ease and protection. Their presence has not only enhanced police force strength, but it has proved that animals play an important role in society. Police dogs are heroes, and their lives after their careers should equal that of the human officer working by their side. 

 Check out the National K-9 Working Dog Inc. website: www.nationalk-9workingdog.org/index.html


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