The Well-Intentioned Eater: Say Cheese!

One inquisitive omnivore’s journey towards healthier and more compassionate eating…

(Click here for why I started)

Admit it, some days you get home and have no desire to cook. There’s no one around to make dinner for, so you grab a bottle of wine, open up some cheese and enjoy every decadent minute of it. I’ve said it before—I love my cheese! And throw in a glass (or two) of wine and I’m set. Not only is it delicious, no pans to clean up!

Wine, cheese and grapes medley./Photo credit:
Wine, cheese and grapes medley. Photo credit:

So this is probably one of my biggest challenges—finding a non-dairy cheese tasty enough to eat alone. I had good luck with the Go Veggie! Mozzarella Flavor Shreds for my pizza, so I was trying to stay optimistic.

I researched, asked friends for recommendations and even turned to strangers at my local natural food market, and one name kept coming up—DAIYA.

Daiya Cheddar Style Wedge is a non-dairy cheese alternative./Photo credit: Lisa Singer
Daiya Cheddar Style Wedge is a non-dairy cheese alternative. Photo credit: Lisa Singer

All of their products are dairy, soy and gluten free, and since everyone raved so much about them, I figured their faux-cheese must be good enough to eat alone. WRONG! So very, very wrong.

It tasted nothing like real cheese and the texture was rubbery. Now I know I can be picky about my cheese, but this was really horrible. At least to me. Obviously others like daiya enough to recommend it, so give it a try if you want. As for me? I’ll keep looking.

For all of the reasons I’ve expressed before—better health, dairy farm cruelty—I’m still committed to finding a cheese alternative, but it’s a challenge. So any and all recommendations are definitely appreciated, and I’ll keep you posted with anything I come up with.

In the meantime, you can eat more compassionately by buying cheese approved by the Certified Humane and Animal Welfare Approved organizations. Both groups are dedicated to improving the lives of farm animals for food production. Just check out their websites for where to buy the products.

— Lisa Singer, exclusive to Global Animal


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